Worth the Time

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I’m too busy; I'll catch you later.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


This weekend's company Christmas party was fun. (And since I live in the Midwest, I can still say Christmas not refer to it as a Holiday party.) I ended up sporting a date after all, inviting a gal friend of mine whose boyfriend was having a guy's night downtown. I have no doubt this increased the percentage of facility operators who think I am a lesbian from 43 to 67. But, I could give two shits because I can still take them in arm wrestling. Hmm… that doesn’t really help my case for the “I’m not a lesbian” argument, does it? Regardless, I still represented by 1) looking totally amazing, 2) being impeccably dressed, and 2) having the hottest date there, even if it was a chick.

I had made a decision very early on to not go balls to the wall and moderately pace my drinking, as to not become the talk of the town on Monday. I know what you’re thinking, "There’s no way Nicole stuck to that." But, I did and it proved to be a remarkably wise decision because even thought I drank enough to have fun, I didn’t wake up to a half-eaten bologna sandwich and a fully-nude Parisian man…. although, that was a pretty fun night, too.

So as much as I hate to disappoint the four of you, it was a relatively low-key Christmas party.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Company Christmas Party

Am I crabby today? Yes. Did I just pick myself up from a canned-chili induced coma that left me passed out on the kitchen floor for the better part of Thursday night? Well, that is a yes, too. My week started off with a couple low self-esteem days and maybe the combination of a few sleepless nights is beginning to take its toll. The $600 bill for repairs to my vehicle didn’t help, either. Sunday, I was on top of the world, by Tuesday night, I was in the middle of a low-lying flood plain during the rainy season. Some people may call this a bipolar disorder, I like to think of it as being spunky.

This weekend is the company’s annual Christmas party. Although my date bailed on me for a fucking hockey game to suck his bosses dicks (can you sense the bitterness?), I am still looking forward to it. Why? Because 1) there is a free meal and 2) alcohol... lots of alcohol. Some may shy away from drinking around the whole work crowd, I call them "responsible professionals", but not this engineer. Game on, my friends.I was also invited by a to a housewarming party uptown although I wont really know many people there, I am considering it. Why? Because I would rather have meaningless sex with a person I don’t know than have meaningless sex with a person I don’t like. Either option means one thing – drinking alcohol, and lots of it. Seriously, Danny Bonaduce levels of drinking, and it's going to be awesome.

**this is, of course, if I can get out of my fucking driveway due to this whole snowstorm bullshit.

So, look for something juicy on Monday or if things go really well this weekend, Wednesday afternoon.