Worth the Time

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

As requested....

The guy who sent me this doesn't even know I have a blog but I've got little else to publish, so here it is... unedited.

"What the fuck is going on? Christ you only holler at me when a) you miss me (well not true otherwise I couldn't get you to leave me alone) b) when you need a laugh or c) what the hell is up with the letters I think I know my abc's shit....how is it going? almost done with work here sorry for the 3 hour difference I'll be out in Vegas soon for work again but have to meet with someone so looks like you are out of the picture....when were you coming here....I'm out there from next month month..? April I think 12 or 13th for a couple weeks. wow did that make any sense...fuck it...write that in your blog...."

I know - wow.


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