Worth the Time

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"She's out."

Some people walk away from Washington, DC with memories of museums, monuments, and an overall sense of American pride. Me, well - I got kicked out of a bar. This may surprise you, but it was (legitimately) my first time. Oh sure, I’ve been with people who’ve gotten kicked out but it was never because of me. If nothing else, I’m usually the one who is on the up with the bartenders, but not this time. Let it be known here and now that I’m 90% sure I was unfairly targeted because at the time, I was near penniless and drinking water. (Note: it was 7:05 PM.)

A series of events led up to this, events of which I had nothing to do with but somehow, I was the target of the jerk bartender’s offensive demeanor. Well, Nicole had enough. The phrase, “What’s your problem, asshole??!” has never pierced with so much venom. He immediately got in my face and fully expected me to apologize. No fucking way. When I was unrelenting, he called for my removal. I suppose it’s debatable who was in the wrong, but as the guy who slings drinks, he holds the trump card.