Worth the Time

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mind-Altering Music

You know, no matter how foul my mood, a random Rick Springfield "Jesse's Girl" always cheers me up. (99 Red Balloons totally did the trick once, too - thanks, 37.) For years, Jesse's Girl has been in my top three favorite songs ever because without fail, it lifts my spirits. I have a couple songs that have the opposite effect, too... they are the songs I listen to during the "dark Nicole" times. Music can be just so wonderfully and agonizingly therapeutic.

Music is without question, best heard live. When you can hear the purity and faults of the human voice or something as simple as a missed beat or irregular note - it really is something. It is such a turn on to me, so much so that I am getting little hot here at work just thinking about it. I really don't know if I can have another relationship with someone who doesn't appreciate the grandeur of a stadium concert as well as the lucidity of seedy bar shows in the same way I do. You know, that's not entirely true; there are always exceptions to be made for guys with lots of money or a huge dick - after all, I'm only human.


  • At 3/02/2006 8:42 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    I saw 2 Live Crew in concert once.

    It wasn't that good.

    Not as good as the videos anyways.

  • At 3/06/2006 4:10 AM, Blogger Rich said…

    OK, I get it. Rich, old, fat, bald, icky guys win (and guys with huge dicks). But why do so many that aren't rich win too? That I don't get.

  • At 3/13/2006 12:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Once I picked up a negro brut on a visit to a liquor store. He was bubbly and delicious, but it turned out to be a short term relationship.



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