Worth the Time

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Character Blemishes

Last night, I went to the Timberwolves game. Ugh, they’re just so bad this season; it’s physically painful to watch them. My heart really goes out to KG. Since I’m a whore, I gave my digits out to a guy I met at the game. It’s weird, of the four Timberwolves I’ve gone to alone (and yes, I’m just that pathetic), I’ve given out my number at three of them. What’s even stranger - all three were in different states, California, Minnesota, and last night in Illinois. Apparently the glare of fluorescent lights bouncing off a shiny wood floor does wonders for me. (read that sentence again without the word ‘floor’… wow, that’s like eighth grade funny)

If the guy from last night calls, which I am almost sure he will, I think I’ll decline the date. Is it so wrong not to date someone because you think his friends are losers? I know what you’re thinking, “Nicole, you’re not in any position to turn down male advances – have you seen yourself naked… seriously, not attractive.” The thing is, even as my weight has increased and my looks declined, I have not lost the shallow tendencies of my former ‘pageant’ self. I’m sure this is difficult for you to hear, because up to now, you thought I had no faults, that I was a beacon of light in your otherwise shadowed world. But, I think it’s time you to came to grips with the fact that I am mere human.

Anyway, the guy I was talking to seemed normal enough, dressed well, decent looking, and we even had a nice conversation. But his friends – total dorks, like bad sweater, ugly goatee trying to look older than 13, bad shoes, lame commenting dorks. I have dated guys because I dug his friends so why would I then not date a guy because of his friends? Because if you do, the next thing you know, you’re standing in a stranger’s kitchen, eating the worst stir-fry ever, hoping the birds in the basement don’t escape and shit all over you because you “accidentally” rang the doorbell, right KJ?!?!


  • At 3/03/2006 9:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have been thinking about this for a while. I stayed in many relationships way too long strictly because their friends were D’Bom. However I married a man with only 3 friends and they all proudly represent as the…
    Want to be athlete who has a lot of heart but no nature athleticism.
    The Drunken Dork who doesn’t qualify as a nerd because he has no brains.
    The debate Champion of 1981 who is always right and still can’t dress himself.
    Although I feel the “couples dates” with these men are horrendous, when I look into the eye of their dates I can tell these women are hanging around because they think we are the D’Bom. I prefer to be on this side of the dilemma, but nobody is a clear winner here.


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