Worth the Time

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Nosey Nellies

A couple of you have inquired how my own confession went. I think I got off pretty easy. Of course, I tried to confess my sins in a very politically correct manner, without too much detail. For the most part, it worked but when the Priest stops you and says, “Let’s back up and clarify one part of that,” it’s NOT a good thing. But as I said, it was a surprisingly lenient penance and at that moment, I was “as pure as the day you were born.” Seriously, who doesn’t love being Catholic?!?

And on the whole, I don’t like to write about religion or my faith or bullshit like that; so don’t expect to see any enlightenments, new revelations, or deviations from the norm. Remember, my slate was wiped clean on Monday!! And yes, I am well aware that with or without confession, I’m probably going to hell - if not for that double baby homicide, for something else, I’m sure.


  • At 12/08/2005 10:40 AM, Blogger The (IRON) Clyde said…

    That's what's great about confession....you can pretty much do anything and not have to worry about going to the land above. Unless you die in a traffic accident on the way to confession...then you are fucked.

  • At 12/08/2005 1:04 PM, Blogger Grace said…

    double baby homicide?

  • At 12/08/2005 1:53 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    probably because you are trashing your vag with rubber and batteries.

  • At 12/08/2005 9:08 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    I've never been to confession. I could start now - forgive me Worth The Time for have I sinned. It's been infinity since my last confession. Here's my list of sins;

    - I don't post regularly
    - I let my girlfriend drag 20 bags of leaves out to the trash
    - I killed a bunch of people once (Grand Theft Auto)
    - I stole a Creedence Clearwater Revival CD from this girl's house once. Technically my friend stole it, but I didn't tell on him and it's guilt by association.

  • At 12/12/2005 2:00 PM, Blogger Nicole said…

    dj: that's why I haven't left my house in four years... well, that and the fact I'm 800 lbs.

    grace: I was aquitted. After all, you can hardly count baby killing as a real crime because they could've just as well been aborted a few months prior.

    tbc: huh?

    Alex: Thank you, my son. Your pennace will be three vodka drinks, two beers, and one shot - followed by a rousing game of dizzy bat.


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