Worth the Time

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Why do you hate me?"

I got a "Private Call" tonight and I have no idea who it was and they knew I didn't know who they were and I blew him off and told him to call me back and he didn't and now, it's bugging the royal crap out of me. (yes, I am fully aware that was the longest jr high sentence ever) At first, I thought it was a couple people but they would not have said "you don't even know who this is, do you?" Hmm... then, I thought it was one other person, but I don't remember giving my number out to him... shoot. This is TOTALLY bugging me - I wish I wouldn't have switched over to the other line before finding out who the mystery man was.

Damn me... and damn, I hope he calls back (desperate - never, sexually curious - always).


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