Worth the Time

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Job Review

I’m sure you are all anxiously awaiting news from my job review. No? Well, you’re going to hear it anyway. It was a total joke. Let me background this for you – you have to fill out an Employee Contribution and Development Summary (EC&DS), outlining your goals and accomplishments for the year. Then, in your annual review, you discuss it with your supervisor and he takes it to the management committee for review. Usually, this is the time you discuss improvements and pitfalls, etc. At least that is how it went with my previous manager – not this time, however. In my meeting, my supervisor read over my EC&DS (even thought I had given it to him two weeks prior), told me to make a grammatical correction, and that was it. I walked out and wondered what the hell had happened. I’ve been feeling he is a poor manager from some time but this takes the cake. Sure, I am an AMAZING employee what with all of my blogging and Instant Messaging skills, but surely he could’ve offered something. Oh well, maybe no news is good news. Whatever.


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