Worth the Time

Monday, November 21, 2005

Checking In

Hey. Day three or four in Tobago (who really keeps track)... don't you just fucking hate internet journals from people's vacations?!? They may be the worst things ever. Strangers going on and on about places you'll never see and you sure as hell don't want them telling you about them. So, I'll just stick to the partying and the sex, which there has been a little of some and none of the other. You can guess which is which. Ok, we went to "Sunday School" last night. It's basically a big ass party in an open air band shell type thing place... the party starts after midnight. To the irritation of my friend, Melissa, I picked up a hitchhiker on the way- he was attractively dressed and wearing Diesel jeans so I figured how bad could he be. It proved to be a good move on my part (Although I am not always the best judge of character, I am always right.) Our new friend "Ronnie" ended up showing us a great time and we even saw his silly black ass a few times. The party provided us with lots of "eccentrics" to write about, to say the least. (Maybe later) Of course Melissa and I were hit on a million times by the locals and the Canadians (damn them Canuks), so it wasn't much different than Chicago... I'm just SOOO desirable to islanders of the West Indies... and dwellers to the North. I thought I would check in and I'll probably write later this week.... Barbados tomorrow. (Fucking bragger - I know, I know.)


  • At 11/21/2005 4:40 PM, Blogger The (IRON) Clyde said…

    .....with the day I had this is like finding water in the desert, what a treat!!! A blog post from beyond yonder.

    Sounds like fun, I'm still waiting on my invite for next years trip.

    "Aruba, Jamaica oh I want to take you, Bermuda, Bahamas,
    come on pretty mamma....."

  • At 11/22/2005 9:56 AM, Blogger Alex said…

    What is this "damn them Canuks" thing?


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