Worth the Time

Friday, September 01, 2006

Achy Breaky Everything

Well, it got me. I'm not sure what it is, yet - a virus, a bug, a vengeful wrath? I feel like total shit today and I should not be at work. I should be home on my couch, catching up on neglected hours of Tivo. Yesterday, I worked all day at being an amazing engineer and then at the bar showing tits for tips, and then came back into work to speak with the night crew. I was planning on getting 3 hours of sleep, which is no big deal because it’s leading into the weekend – a long weekend, no less. YEA!! Well, two hours into my slumber, I woke up with the worst nauseating feeling ever. It paralyzed me. And more than seven hours later, I don’t feel too much better.

I’m stiff and achy, nauseous, exhausted, and have a pounding headache. I just want to go the flock home, but duty calls and although I’m no lover of my job – I am a lover of income. Since I was fine 24 hours ago, and 12 hours ago, for that matter - I have a theory. Maybe God was on vacation last weekend and was just briefed about my goings-on and this is the punishment. Fine, be that way - I ain't too proud to beg (for forgiveness).

Dear F,S, & HS (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit),
I’ve learned a good lesson; many good lessons, in fact. Drugs are bad, as is gossiping and lying, drinking enough to drown a pigmy, and robbing homeless people of their flannel shirt. As always, I promise not to do it again… or at least die trying. Well, maybe we better not throw the word, “die” around, but you know what I mean.. Please, Lord – let your light shine on me and send me home by 3:00! (Especially since I am on the schedule to close the bar tonight.) Oh, could you also try to do something about the rash, I have a date this weekend. Thanks.



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