Worth the Time

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Yeah, yeah – I know. I didn’t write a damn thing yesterday. I did finish the post I promised and I dunno… it just doesn't feel right. It seems like the post was forced is not written in my unique prose. For the record, though, I had planned on writing something last night but was suddenly sucked in by Mr. Couch. With the exception of a brief Sunday afternoon non-Viking football game, it's on rare occasion I nap on the couch. Yesterday, however, I was down for the count – one minute I am watching Busty Desires 7 and the next, I'm waking from a FIVE HOUR slumber. It goes without saying that after waking from five hours of couch sleep, I was hardly in the writing mood.

I hate napping on the couch. I know a lot of people doze primarily, if not solely, on the couch, an act of which I’ve never understood. The idea of laying on the couch in front of the tv with the singular purpose of falling to sleep is so nonsensical to me. After all, you already have a piece of furniture for sleeping – your bed. (There is no rule dictating that it can only be used for an overnight’s rest.) All I am saying is that if your tired, take the initiative of getting your ass to your bed and get some quality napping minutes in and leave the couch to what it’s good for – fucking.


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