Worth the Time

Monday, December 19, 2005


A responsible adult would not have gone out when they were beholden at 5 AM the next morning. And that same responsible adult would certainly not have been laughing her ass off when her friend was vomiting out the window of his girlfriend’s SUV that night. Without quesiton, the responsible adult would by no means have then snorted a quick hit of 'blow' to get her through the morning. I'm also quite sure it goes without saying that Saturday night would in no way have included more of the same for that responsible adult.

So, it was a pretty lethal weekend: Friday, I laid low because I didn't want to be a complete pile of shit the next morning, but then there was the whole cocaine thing; Saturday, a little more intense, and a lot more “partying.” I typical fashion, we were kicked out of the bar… well, it wasn’t so much “we” as it was one person in particular, but we were told to escort him because it was probably just a matter of time for us. After getting booted, we were then disallowed from two other bars! The first bar that prohibited us admittance was assumingly my fault, as I knew the bouncer. I know what you’re thinking and yes, usually “I know the bouncer” is a sure-thing in bar-land, but this is me we’re talking about… very few things come easy to me... especially a hot body or ironically, the knack for cooking. As it happens, I dated the bouncer’s friend and, without going into details, I was a real bitch to him. I assumed he was just being a prick as a vendetta against me. But after being denied into a second establishment, it was pretty obvious just how drunk we were and that maybe it might be time to head home… and by home, I mean to another bar....


  • At 12/20/2005 9:15 AM, Blogger The (IRON) Clyde said…

    I got kicked out of a bar Sat night too, for something I got "pinned" for doing, even though I didn't do it, honestly.

    (Someone pucked on the dance floor, I caught a wiff of it and had to puke just a tiny bit in the trash can (you know how when you smell it, you makes you want to do it). The bouncer saw me do that and then accused me of puking all over the dance floor.....told him he had the wrong guy, but he bounced me anyway.)


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