Worth the Time

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Ladies in the Office.

The joys of people at work, namely, the hardened women who look like they've been run over by a semi three times. I know I said I don't like to complain but I also said I didn't like anal and we all know where that ended up... no pun intended.

1) Just because I don't buy my wardrobe from the same place I can pick up a can of peas and a fishing lure does not mean I have a "hot date", so quit fucking asking.
2) The perfume does not cover up your filthy smoking scent, nor does the gum cover up your filthy smoking breath... and, you're ugly.
3) When you think I am laughing with you, I am really laughing at you and thinking what an idiot you are.
4) Just because I'm sweating profusely and reek of Jack Daniels and cheap cologne does not mean I had a "hot date", so quit fucking asking.
5) My "big fancy new truck" is not big, fancy, or new... but your ass is huge.
6) I am way out of their league, so I would never grant a man (or a woman) working here a "hot date", so quit fucking asking.
6) When I look disinterested, I am, so stop talking. When I look tired, I am, so stop talking. When I look like I've just spent the night in my car because I was working for crack and was too messed up to remember where I lived, I did, so stop talking. You know what, just stop fucking talking, period.

Ok, that's all. I'll get back to nicey-nice posts soon, nicey-nice is relatively speaking, of course.


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