Worth the Time

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Tuesday, bloody Tuesday

Guess what genius engineer didn't get her pallet hauling limits project done? If you guessed yours truly, you'd be correct. (We can negotiate a prize later... after I get the project finished, of course.

I need a sandwich... and a good makeout session... followed by hot sex... and a pint of ice cream.

See how my mind wanders; it's no wonder why I struggle with completing projects.


  • At 8/31/2005 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with jerome, at least get it a try. I mean what is the worst that could happen; you may have to explain to your boss that due to an average sex session and a magnificent pint of ice cream you have fallen even further behind schedul. However, after a nap and quick trip to “Coach” you will be right back on track.

  • At 8/31/2005 4:23 PM, Blogger Nicole said…

    Thanks, J and KJ. I took your advice - I got a few weird looks, but the project got completed!!!


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