Worth the Time

Friday, August 26, 2005

Back on Track

I started my diet (again) this week. Although, I am pretty sure the case of Amstel Light and the sack of weed from last night is not "on the program". After I had my Segway accident, it broke my workout momentum and I became discouraged and didn't quite put the gym high on the priority list. Additionally, I've had a new treadmill sitting in my living room for the same amount of time and have used it a whopping three times. (It's shocking that I am fat and single, isn't it.) Well, I am back in the saddle and ready to shed some summer wedding-cake poundage. I'd also like to have sex without my partner asking me if I need a towel and a Gatorade, after only 15 minutes.

I am still sticking to this triathlon thing, even thought my partner (and I'm looking at you, TBC) has fallen by the wayside. He is currently suffering various ailments and is in a period of transition, but still. We both need to start kicking it back in gear... right, TBC?! This weekend will probably consist of everything not "on the plan", but having fun with my friend kj is more than worth the extra workouts next week.


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