Worth the Time

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Two-Day Ticking Time Bomb

Sometimes, the lamest little things get me so fired up. If you are reading this, chances are you've seen some of this first-hand. If you haven't, I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Generally speaking, I handle major life events with a respectable amount of grace. It's the little things people do or say that drive me nuts. These people are usually strangers or acquaintances, seeing as how I make it a rule not to hang around with total fucking douchebags. The up side to this (if there is one) is that I move on. My friend once called me a two-day ticking time bomb which I think is a pretty fair assessment. I totally infuriate over something but after a couple days, even a couple hours, I'm over it - almost as if nothing had happened. And as upset as I can get with those people, I rarely hold grudges. I'm lazy and let's face it, it's just too much work to be that damn pissed-off.

I am writing this post in response to an "episode" I had this morning which resulted in a scathing e-mail. I don't think the e-mail put me in the best of lights and I am pretty sure the recipient(s) of said e-mail thinks I am a total nut-job bitch.... but, a nut-job bitch that is sexually open to new ideas, so I'm pretty sure any guy can look past it.


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