Worth the Time

Friday, June 17, 2005


Cashtration: The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

I closed on a house today, what the hell am I thinking?!? It's just so.... well.... adult and also.... I dunno.... permanent. Up to this point, I've lived pretty mobile, being able to come and go in an instant but now, *sigh* I have a mortgage (and I payment I can barely afford). The whole process has been a nightmare, putting me on edge, or rather, three steps from it. But, the difficult part is over, or is the difficult part still ahead? Shit.

In other news, I stayed in the city last night with my friend. (There were no SS involved this time.) I only planned on hanging out with him for a short while and then, well, you know how it is. When I realized I was probably in for the long haul, I borrowed a pair of his shorts and made him hit the streets with me for a nice jog. I was impressed with my discipline and as a result, felt ok with rewarding myself a few beers at the bar. A minor victory deserved a minor reward... well, not necessarily, but it was logical at the time.


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