Worth the Time

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Do I smell biscuits?

I'm hungry. No, not in the figurative sense, I am literally hungry. This new "nutrition plan" (diet) I am on totally sucks. After my filling 1/4 cup of cereal in the morning, I get to indulge on approximately 1.65 ounces of food for lunch. Are you kidding me?!? That's like 6 kernels of corn. "What, still hungry?!" they ask, "Have 11 grapes or 1/3 glass of cranberry juice." Another sick joke. At night, I get the pleasure of a "full" meal that (if you haven't clicked the links yet) tastes like pencil shavings and equates to the same amount as say, a chicken drumstick and 2 french fries. And whoever decided "Zesty Herb Snack Mix" was a dessert can just kiss my fat ass.


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