Worth the Time

Friday, June 03, 2005


Last night's Dave Matthews Band concert was bittersweet for me. As expected, the concert was phenomenal. I just wish I had gotten to enjoy it with people I actually care about.


  • At 6/03/2005 2:16 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    Talk about a shut up and listen post.

    PS. I have folded due to multiple complaints and changed that post.

  • At 6/03/2005 8:33 PM, Blogger GingerSnaps said…

    I am jealous.
    dave matthews brings back some tough stuff for me. if i see him i am guarunteed to cry everytime.
    oh the bittersweetness of it all.

  • At 6/03/2005 8:42 PM, Blogger Break said…

    Sometimes i just like to see bands/dj's i love alone and party with total strangers. Sometimes the people you take with you are just there cause you asked them to or whatever and don't fully appreciate whoever you're seeing as much as you might. whew long one


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