Worth the Time

Sunday, May 29, 2005


I've been reading blogs for some time now and it seems like everyone begins by stating why they are starting their blog, what they expect from it, some sort of message, etc. It's basically a way for people to claim they aren't narcissistic or some voyeuristic weirdo. Whether or not I believe the crap they are dishing out, I am going to follow the trend and state my own mini-manifesto.

This blog is in response to the countless requests of my new triathlon training buddy to begin one, claiming it would be a good way to track each other's progress without talking every day. There is merit to that, but lets be real about it - Isn't it just an easy way to learn about someone without having to ask any questions or maintain extensive dialogue?

To be fair, I have enjoyed his blog and getting to know him better through the rants and raves and although I do not usually (never) open myself up to strangers, I am willing to make this exception.

So, thanks Kyle. And I am not just saying that because you are, more than likely, the only one reading this. I really mean it.

I'm ready - I've made the emotional leap - Let the fun begin.


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