Worth the Time

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Daughter of the Year

I am exhausted. To my great displeasure, I have not been able to sleep the past two nights, finally coming to rest around 4:00am and 3:30am, respectively. Knocking off a solid 5 hours sleep in two days hardly makes for a productive employee, let alone a vision of happiness. Surprisingly, I haven’t really been too far on edge and crabby with others. Granted, I’m pretty much a bitch most of the time, so the variances are pretty insignificant.

Tonight, I have tentative plans for dinner and a movie (with a real live boy!) and as tired as I am, the opportunity for sex trumps the opportunity to sleep. Even if I don’t suck his dick, (and you know I will), I think the time away to let my mind de-stress will be a good thing. I know what you’re thinking – you just came off a three-day weekend… at home… with like, the greatest parents ever. But, fuck dude, remodeling that damn house of my parents has been a real bear. I actually made my Mom cry today (twice) while discussing the fucking guest bathroom. Talk about a woman who is really on edge. So, I get to add that to the 4, 812 things already racing through my mind. Sure, 4,665 of those are related to food or sex, but still.


  • At 6/01/2006 2:52 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    147 thoughts about food? That's a lot. I just have 4. Wings. Tacos. Chick Curry. Ice Cream. And a venti cafe mocha, no whip extra hot. Ok - 5 thoughts.

  • At 6/01/2006 4:09 PM, Blogger tri buddha said…

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  • At 6/01/2006 5:34 PM, Blogger Nicole said…

    Hey tri - you get a few sentences into my life... not enough to make judgement calls, so back the fuck off. And that's not me being crabby, that's you being a bit out-of-line.

  • At 6/01/2006 6:33 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    hummmmmmm, this shit is gettin' good.

  • At 6/02/2006 3:54 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    Oh snap - you've been served.


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