Worth the Time

Friday, May 12, 2006

KJ and Some Chick

No, this is not the hot girl on girl action you think it is... but those pictures have surfaced before, so it's not an altogether outlandish appeal.

You know how it creeps you out when you see someone who really looks like someone you know or, weirder yet, you. Well, yesterday, I was superbly bewildered. Browsing some trashy internet gossip site, I was floored when I brushed across a cast still of the new Vaughniston movie (that’s the Anniston and Vaughn names combined, a recent trend which I absolutely LOATH, and write it here only mordantly). In the photo was an actress with a frightening resemblance to that of our favorite Worth The Time kitten, KJ.

Note: I would’ve written about this earlier but waited to get permission from KJ to reveal her photo because what good does it do showing just the actress if you can’t see KJ’s ugly mug to compare. And then, after everything we’ve meant to each other, the ungrateful bitch said I couldn’t publish her picture!! Well, fuck her, it’s my blog and I’ll do what I want. What are you going to do – sue me? Yeah, good luck with that; be sure to ask the other people how their suits against me turned out. I mean, it’s not like I’m throwing out detailed information about my friend, Kallie Joanne, or even the fact that she lives at 1735 Ordean Court in Cedar Rapids, IA. So what’s the big deal!?!?

Ok, Kallie... I mean KJ, goes so far as to have the same legs (albeit about 6 inches more of them) and skin tone as this actress. I cannot truly express in words the stark similarities, so I included the visual.


  • At 5/12/2006 1:39 PM, Blogger The (IRON) Clyde said…

    finally...some god damn pictures.....

    and by the way, I was going to label my post yesterday HNT #1 just for you. But I know the fury that would have caused wouldn't go over real well with your parole.

  • At 5/12/2006 6:00 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    Wrong, the girl on the right isn't holding a bowling ball.

  • At 5/15/2006 12:26 PM, Blogger Lolabola* said…

    Oh my god, I know someone that looks just like her too. But her name is Marta and I don't have a photo.


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