Worth the Time

Monday, June 12, 2006

And then...

Well, well, well… quite the weekend for ‘ol Nicoley. The training/facility operation meetings last week were brutal. It’s a good think I was able to muster up the energy to get completely plastered on Thursday, Friday… and not to be outdone, Saturday.

Friday and Saturday were givens but I have to admit, Thursday was a bit of a fluke. I had forgotten it was my friend’s birthday and, until he called on the way to dinner, had no intention of going out, let alone drinking heavily. But what good are friends for if you can’t let them talk you into a night of free booze, big titties, and shuffleboard (that's right, shuffleboard, it's super gangsta right now - so hot). One drink turned into six and one shot into eight. The night was not without a price though. I bet your thinking the price was my dignity - please, I lost that the summer I did the "special" movies. I am refering to the $3 I tossed in front of some bar hooker and told her “go buy the rest of your shirt, skank.” Yeah, that spontaneous moment of genius went over really super well. Luckily (for her, mostly), I was past the verbal or physical aggressive drunk phase and well into the “just walk away laughing and let my friends cool the fire” phase. And you thought the only reason I’m single is because I’m fat.

After sporting a solid two hours of sleep (did I mention my friend lives like 4800 suburbs away) and taking in a long day at work, you would think I would be too wiped to go out that night. Call it the hair of the dog that bit you, call it gluttony, call it a drinking problem, call it penis envy, but from about 1:30 PM on, I could think of nothing better than downing a few tall glasses of beer. A work pal, my only work pal, and I went out for a few beers after work and although I managed to have a modicum of self-control, relatively speaking, I still ended up wetting myself before I got to my front door. Needless to say, the cabbie was super-pissed and to make matters worse, it ended up not being my house. Fucking cabbies.

I caught up on my sleep on Saturday and went downtown for a party I had been invited to. I didn’t really know who was all going to be there, so I called up a couple of arm candies to escort me. If I was going to be the stranger in the room, I didn’t want to be the desperate and lonely stranger. The party was a good time, but we bailed pretty early anyway and that is when you can say the night really started...

More tomorrow. I know, lame... but I do have a fucking job, people.


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