Worth the Time

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

One from the Weekend

Oh, I guess I forgot to mention last week that my homegirl, KJ, was coming up for the weekend. Occasionally, also forget to tell my men friends of the "sores". I just love surprises. Anyway, KJ came in this weekend after I scored us some Saturday night tickets to Spamalot. The musical was hilarious and brilliantly adapted but hardly the highlight of the weekend. Kelsey arrived and quickly started mixing up the drinks because after all, what better way to start a weekend than with a fresh fruit pina colada?... starting the weekend with 3 fresh fruit pina coladas. After firing up the grill, the beer flowed freely and we started getting a bit frisky. The night was young and the air crisp. With the golf course bordering my backyard, it was time to hit the links and play a little night golf... and take multiple shots of Jaggermeister. It briefly reminded me of the last time I shot Jaggermeister... although, maybe I am using the word "reminded" to liberally because I don't remember shit from that night... but I do have a couple scars.

But back to the night at hand, or should I say, the night that got a bit out of hand. It started with, "I know, lets take our shirts off and make sand angels!!" Followed by, "that's fun, but these bras are so stifling, let's ditch them, too." And in another brilliant move towards my NOT gaining a Senate seat someday, "we should be sure to digitally document these events and send the photos off to a buddy!" KJ and I figured since we would not be taking home a random guy from the bar, the least we could do was get a random guy off. With the quality pictures passed flawlessly through cyberspace, it's a good thing the guy knows me just well enough to understand the strength of the legal team I employ on a regular basis (and why after three arrests, two criminal charges, and countless misdemeanors I have a squeaky clean record). Not to mention... I know people; this is Chicago after all.

KJ and I picked ourselves up off the bathroom floor in time to get some quality shopping taken care of. In a classic Nicole move, only after checking into the hotel did I realize I'd forgotten my attire for the evening and althoughut because althought, I love shopping, the additional time needed would be seriously cutting into my poor binge drinking habits. The bonus to shopping is not only does it build up an appetite for food, finding the perhungryhoes makes me hurgry for cum. Wanting to take care of two birds with one stone, I knew taking KJ trestaurantite Greek restaraunt was a sure-fire way to get her panties off. She is so whorish, but then again, I know how to please my ladies.

After the stellar Spamalot, we felt like slutting it up for drinks and hit up our favorite little pub restaurant for a non-meat market environment. As expected, were hit-on almost immediately... not that we were complaining too much. Well I wasn't anyway - KJ, in her awesomeness, threw her ugly friend and bone and played wingman to me with the no-so-smart guy, while I enjoyed the merriment of some Purdue boys. It reminded of the last time I drank with some Purdue boys ("drank"= slamming one Irish Car Bomb after another" ... hmm... I don't really remember much from that evening, either. Although, waking up on the deck next to three empty cans of cream corn and a porno mag, clutching a spoon and a screwdriver can't be a good thing. All in all, I held it togethmodicumaintained a modicome of dignity (relatively speaking, of course). And while you're thinking it and before you ask, the answer is "yes."


  • At 5/02/2006 4:33 PM, Blogger The (IRON) Clyde said…

    Funny, no emails in my inbox from you, you sure you sent the pic to the right guy?

  • At 5/02/2006 5:05 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    dj, why don't you just head on over to here house and get the real thing? I hear she has some huge, "hammers". But that is just a rumor...

    PS. Bring jagger


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