Worth the Time

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm ok with it.

No one is reading this anymore, are they? Well, worse things have happened, I suppose. In the off chance that KJ is still around, I’ll continue to post. After all, I know how things at ‘the Rock’ can be; sometimes you just need a break (or in my case when I worked there - many, many, many breaks.)

When I saw “I *heart* Huckabees” in the movie theater a year or so ago, I remember two things, ok, three things. One - I totally made out with Derek afterwards, two - the movie sucked ass, and three - Mark Wahlberg was fantastic. Last night though, remembering Marky Mark’s fun and fab performance, I decided to watch it again and you know something, it wasn’t half bad, (much better than I remember, anyway). When released, I couldn’t wait to see it and there was nervous pressure since it was only the second time seeing Derek (like a guy looking for ass gives two shits about the movie), but maybe I expected too much from the movie… and Derek, too, I suppose. I mean, just because you're good looking, funny, wealthy, and super smart, doesn't mean you have it all... wait, it kinda does, doesn't it?! -fuck, what was I thiking breaking up with that guy?!? Anyway, seeing a movie I enjoy and previously did not was a nice change for me. I’m usually not like that. Especially not since rehab… remember that movie you always used to enjoy when you were strung out on heroine, shooting tequila poppers, vomiting in your roommate’s pillow, and eating chili straight from the can and how when you watched the movie sober, it wasn’t quite as funny? This wasn’t like that at all.

Hmmm…. I guess this post has made it painfully obvious why no one reads this blog.


  • At 4/25/2006 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am here, I'm here, I am still here.

    Didn't you break up with Derek because he kissed like a one year old? Open month and slobbery. Makes you laugh when they and one, make you cry when they are good looking, funny, wealthy, and super smart. Anyway, I think it is time again for ladies choice. So here are some LOVE issues I would like you to cover in your Blog.

    1. Friend of mine are getting Divorced and they say it’s because they have “fallen out of love”. Is that really possible: To be truly in Love and then fall out of it? If so, why do we fall out of love with people that we shouldn’t and stay in love with people that we shouldn’t.
    2. Why can’t cat people see how lame their cats really are? Is this what they call “Blind Love”
    3. If someone at work is clearly taken with you, is it inappropriate to use that to your advantage and sting them along for you own personal gains, while you have no intention of fulfilling any of their wild ass dreams. Would that be cruel or brilliant?

  • At 4/25/2006 5:02 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    I am down with some reader’s choice!

    1. Top one reason why you shouldn't eat a peach (whole).
    2. Sweaty crotch’s and yeast infections...
    3. I bet your mom never told you about the wet spot, did she?
    4. Top ten things that you should not do before chewing your fingernails.
    5. Back Hair. Not just for winter any more!
    6. Doggie style...That way you both can see the TV.
    7. Why do hotels give you 12 wash clothes and one bath towel?
    8. Food: it makes the pain go away. [And the sex]
    9. A how-to-guide to hemorrhoids.
    10. Why you should be worried when the brown streaks turn red. [I guess this could actually be covered in #9].

  • At 4/25/2006 10:33 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    Where do I go for a good time in Tempe?

  • At 4/26/2006 12:41 AM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    Alex, do you have $50 and know how to keep your fucking mouth shut? Call me.

  • At 4/26/2006 12:14 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    Does it involve wrestling?

  • At 4/26/2006 1:00 PM, Blogger The Portly Gentleman in Aisle 5 said…

    Does it involve jello and wrestling?

  • At 4/26/2006 5:07 PM, Blogger The Big Cheese said…

    Do you want to have some fun in Tempe or not? What's with all the questions.

  • At 4/27/2006 11:24 AM, Blogger The (IRON) Clyde said…

    Nicole, is this pity post all because I wouldn't go down on you?

    I'm sorry, the whole "rash" around my mouth had not cleared up, I thought I was doing you a favor.

  • At 4/27/2006 1:32 PM, Blogger Nicole said…

    KJ - My ideas flow organically... there are no promises.

    TBC - First rule of fight club...

    Alex - Mill Ave area

    DJ - Yes.

  • At 4/27/2006 4:29 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    I'm three blocks from South Mill - already hit up Rula Bula, the Library...going back tonight for some more.

    I am Jack's angry elf.


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