Worth the Time

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Suck It

If I had a dollar every time a guy has said that to me.... hehehe... ok, truth be told, I'd have just enough for a combo meal at Jack in the Box. In fact, one of the few times it was said to me was in exchange for a combo meal at Jack in the Box, so I guess it all worked out. Enough of that, onto today's post...

Have I told you what a great idea it was a buy a fucking house?!? After I cleaned up the 50 lb bag of solar salt I spilled, I hauled it into the basement, only to find one of windows had fallen out of the window well, bringing in a bushel of leaves, bugs and who knows what other sort of vermin. Oh, and the glass from the window shattered, too. Fabulous. Thank goodness for my trusty shop-vac. Seriously, kudos to the inventor of that thing; it has been there in my time of home clean-up need… and I’m pretty sure if the time comes, I could give myself an abortion with it, too.

Speaking of abortions… this is hilarious, but only hilarious in the “we like to kill fetuses and damn the man who says we can’t ” sort of way, so maybe it isn’t so hilarious. But anyway, SoDak came out and banned virtually all forms of abortion, so the president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, a woman, has put a measure forth to establish an abortion clinic within the state borders… on the Reservation… where the law can’t touch them. I love it. (Not necessarily the baby-killing part, but definitely the political civil disobedience part) To read more, click here.


  • At 3/28/2006 8:09 PM, Blogger Alex said…

    That is cool what the tribe is doing - of course, now the proud natives of this land are known for casions and abortions.

    Tatanka, Tatanka!!!!!


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