Worth the Time

Friday, October 21, 2005

Health Professional

Yesterday, my place of employment had a Health & Wellness Fair. With my background, I was called to assist. No big deal; there were a number of health screenings and basic health information booths, so how bad could it be? In my world, getting something like the exercise and lifestyle booth would've been too damn easy. I was assigned the breast and testicular cancer health station. Again, this would not have been so bad if it weren't for the fact we were stressing the importance of monthly self-examinations, including a hands-on demonstration with props. (Nevermore had I wished I were embellishing this story or had a turkey sandwich.) I had the distinguished pleasure (definitely no pun here) of providing the employees with life-like testes and breasts to be used as learning materials - how to feel for lumps and what the lumps actually feel like. But that's not where the story ends, friends. I may not have written about this event had I not gotten hit-on by guys all day. And not in the funny ha-ha way, without the details - these guys were serious. I mean what guy hits on a girl teaching him how to properly grip his balls and gently feel around for lumps. Ok ok, I'm sure this action by a hot chick like me could be a bit prurient, but still... it's a fucking health fair, not a sex party. Well, it goes without saying that I had a ton of ass sex last night, but not before I checked them for cancer... I'm always answering the call of duty to promote men's health.


  • At 10/21/2005 10:00 AM, Blogger Alex said…

    That story is disturbing. As guy, I think you'd have to be pretty f**king messed up to hit on a girl showing you how to check for testicular cancer. That's like asking your doctor "what's your sign?" as he gives you a prostate exam.

    Funny story, I had a prostate exam once and then later that day I was in this Irish pub called O'Sheas and the doctor was there having a drink and he's like "Hey Alex, how's it going". I said "no way dude - we are not having a conversation now." Disturbing I tell you.

  • At 10/21/2005 7:11 PM, Blogger Nicole said…

    That is a very funny story and a fabulous retort on your part.


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