Worth the Time

Friday, October 21, 2005


Friday's Five Reasons I like October:
31) Fall Colors
95) Fall Wardrobe
10) Wedding Season Ends
50) Holiday Season Begins
4) NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL all in one glorious month.

Have a great weekend.
And by process of elimination, Go SOX!!!


  • At 10/21/2005 3:09 PM, Blogger The (IRON) Clyde said…

    5. All the leaves fall off the trees, so I can see in my neighbors windows again.

    4. I no longer look like a human sprinkler after my 5 block walk to the train after work. (I have a "MILD" sweating problem).

    3. Midnight Madness (Go Marquette!!)

    2. It doesn't look as bad being totally drunk at family functions on a Sunday when NFL football is on, unlike summer.

    1. Pumpkin Smashin is still fun, no matter how old you are.

  • At 10/22/2005 10:39 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    5. Fall colors
    4. "October Rust" by Type O Negative
    3. Rainy, 40 degree days
    2. My wedding anniversary (I know this should be #1, but...)
    1. Andres Nocioni playing Bulls pre-season basketball!

    Go Sox!


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