Worth the Time

Friday, October 28, 2005

It's always food with me.

Holy muther fucker. I've made an honest effort to watch my language on this thing but not today, not now. I am so fucking glad this week is coming to a close. Seriously, this has been a week full of emotional peaks and valleys (just ask poor kj) and I am so over it. I just wanted to wake up this morning and have it all washed away. Instead, I woke up naked and alone on the floor of a pool hall... and I don't even like pool. Ok, that's a lie - I really do like pool. This week, I've been dealing with the old love who rose from the ashes coupled with the annoyance of my unsatisfying job, it made me get upset with people around me that I actually care about for stupid little things. It's like eating so much appetizer that you have to box up the main course (which is never as good reheated) or at least I'm assuming it's like that; I've never actually not finished a meal. So, to the main meals in my life... my apologies. I've been pretty stuffed with the bread and apps; I hope you understand.

It's early, it's Friday, and I don't feel like doing shit today at work, so there's a good chance I'll post again but if I don't, here's Friday's Five people I'd like to have cook for me:
37) Anyone reading this blog (e-mail me, we'll set something up)
12) Tyler Florence (he's so cute)
68) Your Mom (because my mom never did... and I'm not joking)
48) Anyone but Alexa (only kj will get this)
62) My Attorney, Dean (he's also my Godfather and amazing in the kitchen)


  • At 10/28/2005 11:10 AM, Blogger Alex said…

    I was told Tyler Florence hit on me once - I didn't notice because as a man - i never notice if anyone, male or female is hitting on me. He does make good cheesecake.


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