Worth the Time

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Another one from that night...

Think for one minute - who are you? What do you want? What makes you happy? How many of these things are dependent upon someone else? Take a look in the mirror - your clothes, your hair, your style, your job, the words you use, the conversations you have, the music you like - notice how you can be categorized. What influenced these things you see in the mirror. You fit a stereotype; you are a generality. Is it good or bad? Are you an exception to the generalizations? How? It's nice to think you're an exception, but are you really? Are you upset that I held up the mirror? Pointing out what is so obvious to anyone who simply stops to see things for what they are? You'll be quick to point at me, call me full of shit, or whatever offense you call seem to call defense. Just don't fall into this generation's cliche of blaming others for your own situation or for the way you are.

I'll leave you with this:
Are you an expression of who you are,
an expression of who you wish you were, or
an expression of who someone else wants you to be?


  • At 7/13/2005 2:02 PM, Blogger Nicole said…

    One of my finer moments was going to a rock show wearing a pink J.Crew polo shirt and Abercrombie jeans - who do you think was the "nonconformist" in that room? Exactly.

    TBC who? He hasn't posted in so long, I've almost forgotten about him completely.


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