Worth the Time

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Company's Future

I've been in engineering meetings the last couple days, in fact, I am in one right now just typing away at my blog and thinking of all the ways I could pleasure myself. Even with all of the sex thoughts, these things really know how to bring down my chi. Luckily, a half day is scheduled for today, which will no doubt run long by about three hours but whatever. There is one saving grace though; my division has a very young engineering group, eight of us range from 23 to around 30, so getting together is both productive and fun. So in reality, we are about as productive and the Cincinnati Reds' pitching staff, but we fake it pretty well to the managers, so it's all good. But with all of this youth and energy, long days turn in to long nights and after swearing off alcohol forever, I managed to easily take down a couple glasses of beer last night. I guess I am almost back to my fighting strength. Ok, I understand this post was pretty boring, but A) I'm extremely tired, B) I'm a little down the dumps lately, and C) I just don't give a shit.


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